Putting on a show can often involve more than 60 people. Only around half of these perform on stage or in our band, and the other half work hard behind the scenes to enable our productions to happen.
A debt of gratitude is held by the Society to all its Vice-Presidents, Friends, Advertisers and non-acting members who give generously of their time and support both during the shows and inbetween.
We also thank all our Front of House volunteers, Welland Park Academy personnel and Harborough Theatre members for their help and assistance during the rehearsal, preparation and performance of our shows, and to the Royalist for providing meeting facilities.
Additionally, we are grateful to those many unnamed people who loan props and items for sets.
Thanks also to the various businesses and organisations in the town that have operated our box offices over the years, and of course all our programme advertisers – please support them.
We also appreciate the contribution that the technical lighting and sound crews make to our productions.
Finally, we would not be able to exist without our ticket-buying audience, so a big thank-you for all who support us by coming and seeing our shows.